Men’s Walk 2025


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Men's Walk 2025
Mount Olympus, Greece
September 19 - 22, 2025

Humility and Honour

We may be just a grain of sand in vast desert. Yet we are part of the desert, and therefore have access to its immensity. Ignorance of Oneness gives space for a false sense of self-importance. Whereas humility involves dropping our pride but preserving our honour.  Whoever preserves their honour on the foundation of humility inevitably, and without wishing it, becomes a leader in the true sense of the word. In this intimate gathering of men in the beautiful setting of the Olympus National Park in Greece, we will be reflecting on these topics under the conscious guidance of Shiv Charan Singh.

Arrival - Departure Dates

Arrival will be on the 18th of September in the evening – dinner will be provided upon arrival.

Departure will be on the 23rd of September in the morning – breakfast will be provided before departure.


All meals will be provided by the refuge. The food is simple, Greek and delicious with vegan options also available. Breakfast and dinner will be provide each day at the restaurant of the refuge and a packed lunch will be provided so we can take it with us in our backpacks and have it during our walks.

Daily Schedule

05:00 – 07:30 Sadhana
08:00 – 09:00 Breakfast
09:30 – 09:45 Departure for the Walk
17:00 – 17:30 Return to the Refuge
18:00 – 19:30 Evening Circle
19:30 – 20:30 Dinner


Total costs will be 620 euros per person. That will cover:

  • Accommodation at the Stavros refuge for five nights, arrival on the 18th and departure on the 23rd of September in the morning.
  • All meals during your 4 day stay plus a dinner at arrival date and a breakfast at departure date
  • Fee for our teacher Shiv Charan Singh


Cost does not include: Travel costs, insurance, car hire, flights, visa fees (if any), visit to archeological sites, additional beverages and personal expenditure.